Hey Kevin, fellow WikiMedia New Englanders (WMNE-ers?),

I was just wondering if those of us attending the WikiConference are going to meet-up at some point during the conference. I am sad I couldn't make it to the last few meetings (Peabody Essex, etc.) and am quite envious of the apparent organization of the NY chapter. 

How about we meet for lunch tomorrow (Thurs.) or the next day? 


P.S. Here's a few photos of me for the name/face agnostic. 
P.P.S. Feel free to email me off-list; no need to spam everyone on the NE list. 


On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 10:43 PM, Kevin Rutherford <ktr101@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hey everyone,

As some of you already know, WikiConference USA will be going on this weekend in New York City. While it is scheduled to go from Friday to Sunday, the bulk of the events will be on the first two days. There is still time to sign up online for the event (it's free), and there will be multiple presentations from many of the New England people, including John Phelan, Sara Marks, and myself: http://wikiconferenceusa.org/wiki/Main_Page#Schedule_of_sessions

I hope to see some of you there, as we will hopefully have time to help consolidate more support in our area for the coming months, as well as explore more opportunities to expand our outreach and funding avenues!

Kevin Rutherford

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