Via phoebe.  Sounds amazing.  

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Subject: [CODE4LIB] Open Book Hack Weekend at the New York Public Library

Passing this on for anyone in or near NYC who might be interested. The gist
is below, and the details are here:

There will be prizes (and I hear they might be pretty good ones).

Join NYPL Labs, Readium Foundation, O’Reilly Media, Perseus Books,
>, and Datalogics for Open Book Hack Weekend at the New York
> Public Library (at 42nd Street): digital book open source and content
> development based on HTML5, EPUB, and the Open Web Platform. Bring your
> hacking skills and your software/content projects or ideas for projects.
> Self-organizing teams will pursue creative app/service/content hacks to
> help us imagine the future of digital books, and advance the open source
> and open API building blocks needed for the diverse ecosystem of authors,
> designers, developers, publishers, libraries, booksellers, and readers.

Trevor Thornton
Senior Applications Developer, NYPL Labs
The New York Public Library
phone: 212-621-0287

* I use this address for lists; send personal messages to phoebe.ayers <at> *

Samuel Klein          @metasj           w:user:sj          +1 617 529 4266