A good news indeed. Thank you belayet for your effort and for the news.

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 8:37 AM, Belayet Hossain <bellayet@gmail.com> wrote:
I am exited to inform you that the advanced toolbar for MediaWiki will support the characters of the Bengali language[0]. I've sent a list of characters of Bengali in a natural order to GerardM[1] and he forward the list to usability team. Today Roan[2] inform us that he has added the characters set at [3] and staged them at [4]

You can also include character set of your beloved language with some little effort. Just find or collect a list of the characters in an order the most people are use to. Email it to usability team. They'll include it to the software. And I'll be so happy if that kind of toolbar is possible for Mobile MediaWiki also.

I hope all the Indian languages will take the benefits from the result of Wikipedia Usability Initiative[5]. I'd like to invite you all to give this little effort to include characters of your languages at the advance toolbar for MediaWiki.

Blogs on this issue:
*http://ultimategerardm.blogspot.com/2010/03/improved-usability-for-bengali-use-of.html (English)
*http://wp.me/pcRF1-3i (Bangla)

Thanks GerardM and the usability team to include Bangla characters at the toolbar.

Belayet Hossain
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