Dear Sazzad bin Kamal,

Please, fix the subject to it's original; while replying mail received in digest mode.


On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Sazzad <> wrote:
IMHO, using any kind of translator tools by any means is not a good idea for following reasons:
  1. Since, as a native speaker, we still aren't sure how to translate scientific words, how could we expect a translator, however smart it is, would do this? As an example, I have been thinking to write about 'Algorithms'. After, half an hour of thinking I could not come up with a set of Bengali words that can correctly define what an algorithm is. If I describe it in a narrative way, it looks colloquial, not a scientific article The dilemma in general is: You can't translate even half of the foreign words to Bengali, so that it conveys the idea. Again, you allow foreign words, the article remains foreign.
  2. Wikipedia articles represents the depth and breadth of knowledge, of the native wikipedians. We can use it as a measure of the degree of our understanding in particular subjects. Even if we allow, wikipedians to merely transliterate articles in English to those in Bengali, it won't help us much. Rather we should encourage a culture so that users write on specific topics of their interest and expertise. They should voraciously read good sources, try to understand the concepts, work with those concepts and then start writing.
  3. Wikipedia can used to change our learning habits and experience. Since, we've a conglomeration of people of varied skill, we could easily steep of our learning curve. Suppose, I'm a newbie, you're an expert. I write something, you tell me where I was wrong. I learn. On the other hand, when you write something, I tell that I don't understand this or that and you need to clarify. You learn.
Sazzad Bin Kamal

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