Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well.

This email is regarding the Wikimedia Foundation’s Draft Annual Plan for 2024-2025, in  continuation of Maryana’s email, and requested inputs from members of the movement. 

We invite you all to a session on the Annual Plan during 19th May's South Asia Open Community Call (SAOCC), in line with the collaborative approach adopted by the foundation for finalizing Annual Plans.

Ps: To know more about the purpose of an Annual Plan, please read our listed FAQs.

Collaborative Approach

Similar to previous years, the Foundation has prioritized collaboration by asking movement members to share their feedback and goals for the coming year. An effort we embarked upon with the Talking:2024 initiative. Additionally, for this year's Annual Planning Process (APP) we are joining/hosting a series of calls/discussions across the movement.

Join us on the 19th of May @ SAOCC (1230-1400 UTC or 1800-1930 IST)

We will be hosting a 45-minute Annual Planning session including Q&A, this discussion will be hosted by the senior leadership of the Wikimedia Foundation. We invite you all to attend and engage.

Ahead of the call we request you to read the Annual Plan draft, which is available in multiple languages and the shorter summary in over 30 languages including many from South Asia. You can pre-submit your questions on the Etherpad or get in touch if you require any clarifications. 

Call Details (Please add the details to your respective calendars)

Google Meeting

Date/Time: 19th May 2024 @ 1230-1400 UTC or 1800-1930 IST

A big thanks to the call organizers for enabling the discussion on the platform. 


Reminder: The Annual Plan is open for Feedback

In this Annual Plan, we celebrate the success of many groups and individuals who are working to advance various Movement Strategy Recommendations alongside the Foundation's core work. In the years to come, the Foundation will also begin to signal more clearly where some recommendations are more informative than others in our collective pursuit of the 2030 Strategic Direction.

The draft annual plan for the coming fiscal year (July 2024 to June 2025) is open for feedback. You are invited to share your feedback on the discussion page as well.


Rachit Sharma (he/him)

Snr Global Movement Communications Specialist, South Asia

Wikimedia Foundation 

We help everyone share in the sum of all knowledge 
We are the people who keep knowledge free.