Hi all,

For those that do not know me: I'm Lodewijk from the Netherlands, and I'm (amongst other things) one of the people coordinating the Wiki Loves Monuments initiatives on an international level. I have been involved in the 2010 contest in the Netherlands and the 2011 in Europe. 

Wiki Loves Monuments is a photo contest organized around cultural heritage (buildings and other similar physical objects such as bridges etc that are of cultural/historical relevance). It was organized last year in 18 countries in Europe, and this year we're seeing which countries outside Europe might be interested too. It was suggested to us that the Bangladesh community might be willing and able to join Wiki Loves Monuments this year. How would you feel about this? 

You can find more information about what Wiki Loves Monuments is all about on http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2012/Documentation and the suggested Timeline gives you perhaps an impression of the work that would be involved with this http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2012/Timeline . You should however realize that Wiki Loves Monuments is organized federatively, and that the national contests have a large degree of independence. You would be organizing your own contest (with support and help from the international team, for example on technical side) and you should do, within a framework, do whatever works best in your country. 

Would you perhaps be interested? If you have any questions, please let me know. 

Kind regards,
