Dear Mr Kabir,

Greetings from BdOSN. It is nice to see that you are preparing an article on the issue "piracy" in Bangladesh.

I would like to request to consider our point as describe below.

The original WTO gives a general waiver for IPR for LDC for 10 years.

See Article 66 of WTO

Then we have further waiver

Least-developed countries have been given an extension until 1 July 2013 to provide protection for trademarks, copyright, patents and other intellectual property under the WTO’s agreement, following a decision reached by member governments on 29 November 2005.

Price and cost is not only the reason for this waiver. The waiver also recognize the fact that if we want to wide our ICT penetration, then the licensing issue should be second priority for LDCs.

You may have a look at

For the other side of the story please have a look at the 301 Report of 2009.



Munir Hasan
General Secretary
Bangladesh Open Source Network
Jamil Sarwar Trust,
278/3 Elephant Road (3rd floor), Dhaka
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay

2009/3/16 Imtiaz Kabir <>
Dear All Group Memeber:
I am writing a paper regarding software piracy in bangladesh. For that reason need some article or jorurnal regarding software piracy of bangladesh.
I really thankfull if someone come forwared to help me(by sending me some ariticle or journal regarding this matter).
Thanks in advance.
Mohammad Imtiaz Kabir
Deputy Director
Bangladesh Bank

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