Dear MAK,

I do not understand your point!!! Would you please clarify?

Since, the Article is now drafted and is being published. So, if anybody has any point, he/she can asked for any change. There is no harm! 
The team (which i am also a part) did this because, as Shabab explain, we discuss lot of times but nobody drafted the documents. So, this team drafted this.

We can discuss on the issues related to chapters.

And, the name in the list, is an interim one, once the chapter formed, then the membership will be open up for all wikipedians and in first general meeting they can formed their committee.

Is not it standard practice of all organization?

So, I think we should discuss how we can start the chapter quickly and definitely with a good AoA/MoA in hand.

Hope, we will all do that.

Best wishes


On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 3:17 PM, mak <> wrote:

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Shabab Mustafa <> wrote:
[... snipped.....]

So some active community members formed a small team with interested persons to work more seriously on this and to speed up the process.

Are you sure, active community members formed that small team and no interested persons were refrained to contribute.

 [... snipped....]


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