Forgot to mention,  Banglalink has started pushing out service alerts to it's subscribers.  I  received a SMS on my Banglalink number (on 27th and again today) says-

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On Nov 4, 2013 11:54 AM, "Shabab Mustafa" <> wrote:
Hello Everyone.

Sorry for joining a little late. Schedule got busy lately.

Idea of press event sounds great! I ditto with Carolynne, due to highly competitive position in market, joint press event sounds distant from possibility. But in fact we can shift this limitation to a powerful advantage. If we can manage a fairly good coverage in the media with Banglalink,  glorifying their nobility and social responsibility by supporting our cause, I guess the other competitors will launch their services sooner than later, just to catch up.

We can take Facebook Zero as an example. GP has started this service for a long time. but due to lack of proper promotion, this message didn't reached to the mass until recently. And when it did, Banglalink also started the same service just a few weeks back.

So, let's rock the press event!

Shabab Mustafa