Hi, everyone.
the Wikimedia Conference, a number of Asian chapters and chapters-to-be
have decided to discuss holding an Asian meeting during Wikimania
2013. Affiliates in attendance were Wikimedia Hong Kong, Wikimedia
India, Wikimedia Indonesia, Wikimedia Israel, Wikimedia Nepal,
Wikimedia Philippines and Wikimedia Taiwan.
agreed that there should be a discussion on Meta about when and where
the meeting should be, what should be discussed during the meeting
(meaning an agenda), and who should be able to attend. This is to make
sure that if we will have an Asian chapters/affiliates meeting, we will
have as many people as possible attending this meeting, and our meeting
will have some clear direction, especially as Vantharith Oum has
suggested that we have an Asian Wikimedia Conference some time after
To this effect, I thank Siska for creating a Meta page
back in 2011 which discusses Asian chapters meetings, so let's have
this discussion on Meta so that as many people as possible can join in.
The discussion will take place at
Please tell your chapter boards, your national mailing lists, your
village pumps, and the like about this discussion. If we will seriously
discuss about the future of this inter-chapter group (and of Wikimedia
in Asia in general), we have to discuss this as soon as possible.
those who are receiving this on Wikimedia-l and Chapters-l: if you or
your affiliate is not on the Wikimedia Asia list, please sign up at
The list is not strictly limited
to chapters, so if you're from an Asian country, including the Middle
East, Russia, the Caucasus, Australia and New Zealand, please feel free
to join the list.)
Thanks and I hope to see everyone in Hong Kong. :)
Block I1, AB Political Science
Major in Global Politics, Minor in Chinese Studies
Class of 2013, Ateneo de Manila University
Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Trustee (2010-2013), Wikimedia Philippines
Member, Ateneo Debate Society
Member, The Assembly
jamesjoshualim@yahoo.com | +63 (927) 531-8301
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