Can I suggest that we as individual chapters "learn to crawl before we try to walk"? Talking about getting pan-European sponsorship for someting, especially when we don't even know what that that thing is, is going to be very difficult... Why don't we look at what the European chapters are doing:
They have lots of common laws and common companies and common projects they could be doing because of the European Union. But they are *first* growing themselves within their own countries and *second*, when there are several chapters that are big/professional, they will look at some kind of pan-European project. I think that if we actually started to approach external organisations now asking for money that would only make it harder for individual chapters to get funding. Continent-wide sponsorship will happen - but can we please wait until we are each professional enough to get national fundraising done properly.

-Liam [[witty lama]]
Peace, love & metadata

On 6 May 2010 05:38, Morgan Chan <> wrote:
Anyway, before we start our Asian project based cooperation, we need some money to kick start, and it is what the first sponsorship for. I think if we can find a long-term partner for Wikimedia Asia, to support everything at the moment, it would be very good. Of course, we need to think about what advantages we can offer to them.

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 10:04 AM, Tzu-Chiang Liou <> wrote:
Our experience was that it's easier to get sponsor on project-based cooperation. And it's a bit challenge to find "pure" donation at chapter level. Don't know what you have in mind, though. I guess some sponsors on regional wikipedia academy would be great, don't have to be long term, the purpose is to build our creditability gradually. 



Tzu-Chiang Liou
Email: tcliou@ {|}

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 2:38 AM, Morgan Chan <> wrote:
Dear all:

I already have some target companies and organizations. But I need your approval before i started to contact them.
What kind of sponsorship you guys want? How long? How to?

Best regards,
Morgan Chan
Morgan Chan
Director and Commissioner of Communications, Wikimedia Hong Kong
Member of Communications committee, Wikimedia Foundation
Tel.:+852 9012-2178
Skype: ups918
Twitter: morgand536

Wikimedia-asia-chapters mailing list

Wikimedia-asia-chapters mailing list

Best regards,
Morgan Chan
Morgan Chan
Director and Commissioner of Communications, Wikimedia Hong Kong
Member of Communications committee, Wikimedia Foundation
Tel.:+852 9012-2178
Skype: ups918
Twitter: morgand536

Wikimedia-asia-chapters mailing list