On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 5:19 PM, Siska Doviana <siska.doviana@wikimedia.or.id> wrote:

FYI am cool with compromising  as long as there are discussion. If not, we can always go individually. So the question is are we going to do this together or not?

Thank you for the response, Siska.  

Though I disagree with WMPH's stance on Theo, I do respect their position and am open to considering other candidates.  The Indian representation in Berlin indicated their support for Lodewijk and Theo's candidacies, but I am certain WMIN board (and membership) will be amenable to change if the Asian chapters can come to an understanding over the choice of candidates.

I think that the Asian chapters should reason together and attempt to arrive at a consensus.

So, who are the Asian candidates currently running for the board?  Do they have substantive opinions on the on-going matters at the WMF which directly concern the Asian communities?  Are they vocal about these issues? 

I am happy to consider any candidate who can join this list and express themselves coherently regardless of their nationality (outside of Asia as well).