Plz read above email
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Asad JOgi <sagarasad125(a)>
Date: Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 5:09 PM
Subject: Wikimedia Pakistan
To: communications(a)
Cc: Mehtab Ahmed Solangi <msolangi09(a)>
Dear Sir/ Ma'am
I am voluntarily requesting you on behalf of Wikimedia Pakistan chapter,
kindly reinitialize (reinitialize) Wikimedia chapter Pakistan, so we could
work best for Wikimedia in Pakistan and other Wiki projects in Pakistan.
I am Wikimedia User:Jogi_don, I started editing Wikipedia since July 8,
2011, and was most active during 2015 on all wikis, i.e English Wikipedia,
Sindhi Wikipedia and Urdu Wikipedia. I have been 6th months temporarily
admin (Sysop) at Sindhi Wikipedia, I have translated on meta.Wikimedia and
other wikis from English to Sindhi, English to Urdu and English to Punjabi
(Western Punjabi (Shah Mukhi)).
I am in contact with other Pakistani Wikimedians (Wikipedians) including :
User:Mehtab Ahmed
User:Obaid Raza
User:Tariq mq
User:Arif Soomro
for revival of Wikimedia chapter Pakistan.
Currently Me and Mehtab Ahmed are communicating with Universitities,
Colleges, Libraries in Pakistan for Wikimedia and Wikipedia awareness
seminars / Workshops.
Recently I meet Chairman of Sindhi department, University of Sindh,
Jamshoro for proposed Wikipedia awareness workshop, and we are also in
contact with other educational institutions for the awareness programs.
Soon after these awareness programmes we intends to bring more Pakistani
people to Wikimedia sister projects and Wikipedias in Pakistani languages.
For all these agendas, We look forward you for moral, financial guidance
and help.
After achieving above targets we intends / wish to arrange some events in
Pakistan likewise Wikimedia conference India (
And when we approaches some institutions/ universitites they ask us for our
visiting card websites and official emails, kindly also help us in this
We now wants to re-initialization of Wikimedia Pakistan chapter
Enclosed here is also the abstract for Wikipedia awareness workshop, which
we will present during our awareness sessions in various
universities,collages in Pakistan.
Thanks and best regards
Asad Ali Jogi
Karachi Sindh, Pakistan.
*Asad Ali Jogi*
*+92 332 2696273 <0332%202696273>*
Software Engineer & Web ,(Android) mobile Application Developer
[image: --]
Jogi Asad
[image: https://]
Dear ESEAP community members,
As has been proposed in ESEAP Conference 2024 in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia,
Manila will be the host for *ESEAP Summit 2025*. Various Filipino Wikimedia
communities and volunteers convened and agreed to work together to make
this event happen.
As part of our planning, we are conducting a *community engagement survey
for *ESEAP Summit 2025. *We would like to request your support and respond
to this survey. Do share it also to your community on or before *11:45 pM
UTC+8:00, 31 August 2024* <>.
We encourage everyone to consider participating in this survey and share
your view, whether you are joining in the Summit or not. If you know people
in your communities that are interested in this, please also help invite
them to fill out this survey.
The aim of the survey is to ensure everyone in the region has a chance to
share their perspectives regarding the expectations of ESEAP Summit 2025.
This will serve as guidance in organising the Summit.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
*Imelda Brazal*
Executive Director, Wiki Advocates Philippines User Group