Welcome everyone in this new Wikimaps list.

In this year's Wikimaps project we have 5 work packages for development. Number one is done by Tim Waters, where OAuth is enabled between Commons and Wikimaps Warper, the Warper code is upgraded, maintenance is done to the OpenHistoricalMap stack + other tasks that you can find here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wikimaps/Development#Work_package_1

We are starting the work on the work package number 2. Welcome Jeph Paul!

Jeph will work with front end elements throughout the project. Today we had a look at the plans for elements needed in Wikimedia Commons.

The user story would be the following:

"A user encounters an image in Wikimedia Commons and wants to mark that as a map. A gadget has been enabled that allows ticking the image as a map. As a consequence, the current information in the Information template is mapped to the Map template. The user confirms or changes the mapping.

The Map template display will have options to place the image roughly, or send the image to the Warper for rectification. It will also enable importing rectification data from an external source."

See the following resources:

Dev plans

A study about time input

Wikidata time data type

An example of declaring a time span in Wikidata:
(Adding start date and end date, both of which can have uncertainty defined)

MediaWiki style guides:
Desktop: https://tools.wmflabs.org/styleguide/desktop/index.html
Mobile: https://tools.wmflabs.org/styleguide/mobile/index.html

More about Jeph:

More about Tim:

Please join the conversation!


Susanna Ånäs Käyttäjä:Susannaanas
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