I'm not sure if I lost this really, but the earlier, the better I suppose ...
Does anyone have (or did anyone see) a fan made by bamboo and paper which I sure carried on August 2 and 3? I thought I put it at dorms from the next day, but packing my luggage I'm gradually afraid I lost it in venue or at Tiltan College or elsewhere.
It costed then $35 or so but the cost doesn't matter. It was a belonging to my late husband. Perhaps I should have left it at home rest I'd lose it somewhere, but anyway I did so and now got really upset before departure in 9 hours or so.
Sorry for bothering you guys at really personal thing but I beg you pardon and really hope you'll have never realized what I'm feeling now. Widowhood is one of the toughest things with which you couldn't truly been familiar with.