Okay, just an update.
I've found the contact address Kuandyk gave to me.
Expect the Kazakhs interview rolling out soon.
A.Cheers,A very nice clip! I really enjoyed Oral Ofori's clear and calm narration.I'm happy to help connect you with the Kazakhs. Write to me offlist and tell me what you need exactly.On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 7:05 AM, Nkansah Rexford <nkansahrexford@gmail.com> wrote:Hello all,the african documentary is still in works. The latest update can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9l-GoZX9IgPlease note that, if you happen to be in shot in the video, but DO NOT want to appear, please notify me immediately.Previous version of the video in works can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7uKm4qA2RkThe complete interviews, hopefully, will come in its own video package later. I'm still receiving translations of the interviews of the interviewees. I'm jump into the making of the interview video when all is set.Unfortunately, I've still not heard from the Kazakhstan guys. Please help me get in touch with them.What is missing in the video? What would you wish added? Which wording(s) isn't right? Any feedback is much appreciated.The final video will be in 1080p. Current video editing software restrictions allow only up to 720p. Subtitles will follow in the final version.Thanks.On Thu Aug 14 2014 at 08:40:24 Naureen <msnora@gmail.com> wrote:Yes, please ping me or someone at Wikimania social so we can put them up as soon as you have them up in all our social networks.
On Thursday, August 14, 2014, Nkansah Rexford <nkansahrexford@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you to all who volunteered to share their story with me during #wikimania2014.
I enjoyed the stories shared in the following languages:
Malayalam, Russian, Kazakh, Punjabi, Akan, French, English, Arabic, Dagbani, Tunisian Arabic, Arabic, and Spanish.No promises yet, but I hope to finish with first draft in some 3-4 months time.
The final product, we hope to see how best we can get into the media, hopefully even airing on a tv station in Ghana.
All those who had the "Do not photograph" stickers on, I'm sorry if I "videograph-ed" you. They will not be included. As per the drafts that will follow, if you happen to be in shot, and you wish not to be included, I am glad to remove it. Just contact me to that effect.
If you took videos at the Wikimania, and looking to ways we can interchangeably share the videos, you can get in touch and we can resolve an effective way to share the raw video data.
Can't wait to get the videos complete and share with all.
rexford | google.com/+Nkansahrexford | sent from smartphone
On Aug 8, 2014 7:43 PM, "Naureen" <msnora@gmail.com> wrote:we would love to have that info shared in our blog, do keep me posted.cheers:Naureen Nayyar @norabean (wikimania social media team leader @wikimanialondon)On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Nkansah Rexford <nkansahrexford@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm interested in meeting persons who are willing to share their story of their world of Wikimedia. We plan making a video documentary out of it to share with other Africans and raise their interest in the world of wiki.
I've talked to a couple of persons already but looking for more.
From wikidata to Wikiversity, I'm willing to talk to all. It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes of your time.
Please lemme know your coordinates if interested and I'll teleport myself there asap.
rexford |google.com/+Nkansahrexford| sent from smartphone
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