Hi, I have some questions I really need answering.

1. How do we catch the free shuttle that is being provided for us? Do we need to buy a ticket from anywhere, and get refunded? Or do we just catch the one marked Alexandria without paying anything? Also, whereabouts is it located in relation to the airport? Directions would be nice.

2. When we arrive in Alexandria, how far is the station from the accommodation (the College)? Would we need to get a taxi? Again, directons would be good.

3. When we get to the accommodation, how do we identify ourselves? Just with our name, or do we say "We're with Wikimania"?

On getting back:

4. See question one. Which station do we go from? How do we board it?

These are basic things that should be on the wiki, in my opinion. I shouldn't have to be asking about stuff like this. Other basic info not included on the wiki is the address of the College Saint-Marc. Why is it not there, and why when ever I ask anything does no one know the answer?

I've never been to Egypt before. I've never travelled on my own. I have this awful feeling I'm going to get to Cairo, and be basically stranded because of the lack of information provided by this year's team. Please provide it. Call me paranoid, but I like to know what I'm doing, and I'd rather plan well ahead for something like this. Thank you.

Al Tally