Hi all,

Can we please stop arguing and demotivating the organizers who have put together a very nice event for us?

The event will be a reception held in a very prestigious building in the evening, where people from the cultural sector and outside Wikimania will attend, including representatives of foreign cultural institutions represented on the East Coast if I understood correctly. Going to such an event in T-shirts and jeans would look out of place under almost all circumstances.

Fortunately, the event's invitation and dress code (which was set at the minimal level acceptable for such an event in such a venue) was published well in advance so that everyone who can and wants to can pack their suitcases accordingly.

As I gather, a number of Wikimanias had formal, or invitation-only receptions before the official programmes, though I am not sure they had a dress code; I am actually quite happy that this year's reception will actually be open to the attendees. We should celebrate that – this is certainly not an elaborate plot to suit up attendees or to exclude anyone. I am especially happy to see strong cultural programmes as side events this year, apart from the usual parties.

Whatever you may say about traditions that are not the same as general Wikimania traditions; we should be open to celebrate others' cultures and traditions  and receptions with dress codes are just as much cultural experiences as anything else you may experience. You are not forced to partake in this experience, but cultural sensitivity requires that if you do want to participate you respect the modest requirements on dressing and thereby show respect to the organizers, the event and the other participants; and if you do not want to participate, that you try not to spoil the enjoyment of others.

The reception is scheduled to last about 90 minutes, after [and during] which everyone will have an opportunity to enjoy city life with or without other attendees in whatever clothes they find appropriate for a warm summer evening.

Best regards,