
1. Not taking away from the sense of urgency expressed by Lodewijk and already communicated by many others, I'd like to remind everyone that Juliana da Costa José has assured us that accommodation has already been booked.

2. At this point, we all understand that something has gone wrong with the preparations, but since the event is still AHEAD of us -- let's avoid mere venting of anxiety and focus on helping the Gdansk team in any way we can.  That said, the Gdansk team would make helping them a lot easier if they would communicate about whatever difficulties they have encountered.  Quite a few people have already offered to help, including WMF staff, and including people with plenty of Wikimania and other event-organization experience.

So PLEASE, everyone, let's keep the conversation constructive and refrain from adding to the already existing pressure and anxiety.

Asaf Bartov <asaf.bartov@gmail.com>