Pharos I would very much be looking forward to something like this. I was very dissapointed that there seemed to be little formal interchapter dialogue going on at this conference. 

My preference would be for a lunch time meeting if others would be up for it.


On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Pharos <> wrote:
I notice that we don't have any sessions at the Hackathon about Chapters/Thematic orgs/Usergroups/informal local groups.

I wonder if it might make sense to have something during the Hackathon or one of the lunchtimes to discuss ways to improve communication and cooperation among the many different types and sizes of groups working in the Wikimedia universe.

I don't think we should rehash financially intensive projects like the old WCA, but rather look at no-budget projects that can help bring us all together, for example group peer review.

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