I wasn't able to attend the Games Corner (sorry about that :( ) but I hear it went really well. It'd be really cool to make this a tradition for future Wikimanias I think, it's a great way to just hang out.


Joseph Fox

On 12 August 2014 11:18, Adi Khajuria <adiman423@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everone,

I hope all is well and you have all recovered from Wikimania 2014.

In thinking about "The Wikimania Games Corner". I have a request to ask of everyone. I was wondering if we could make this a tradition that continues for future Wikimanias to come. I know that it's a tough asked, but here at we've proved that anything is possible when people come together to help out.

Also, in thinking about it, I also have some takeaways that also apply not just to wikimedia, but to everything in life:

Takeaway number 1: Be excellent to each other. (Yes, I realise that this is a "Bill and Ted" reference).
Takeaway number 2: Encourage positivity and kill off negativity.
Takeaway number 3: If you have an idea, don't just think about it. Plan it out and do it.

I look forward to hearing about your takeaways from Wikimania 2014.

Kind regards,
Adi Khajuria

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