Seriously, while we have great speakers, I'm not sure all of us are confident enough for that kind of an outreach, nor would I feel that the average Wikimania speaker gives enough of a good impression to the average website visitor.

Ok, Video makes your embarrassing talk somewhat permanent. I grant you that. Although we could always allow for talks to be pulled if the speakers are unhappy.

* You are less embarrassed to give a crappy talk infront of a live audience than infront of an anonymous youtube viewer?
* You think it is ok to waste the time of people who travelled thousands of miles to this conference with a crappy talk (the crappyness of which you apparently know in advance), but it would be too much of a burden on someone who spent the effort of a mere mouseclick to view your talk to click once more to close the video?! ;-)

I do see the point about the "average website visitor". We should probably discuss the mode of announcement a bit more. At least we may want to point out that some of the streamed sessions are or arather technical nature (technical not necessary meaning "development" but also copyright geekery and acronym fests like "GLAM" and such).
