On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Marc-Andre <marc@uberbox.org> wrote:
Hey Christophe,

On 2016-07-10 02:05 AM, Christophe Henner wrote:

Second, what is Wikimania purposes? Right now I fear there is none clearly define.

Is it a community event?
Is it a knowledge sharing event?
Is it an outreaching event?
Is it a way to reward people?

One has to be define, a main one.

Why?  It has, historically, been all of the above and much of its value derive from the fact that this is the case.  What value is gained from restricting its scope?

-- Marc

I might not have been clear, sorry about that. 

Depending of what is the most important goal, you tackle the issue differently. 

If we (as a movement) say it is first an outreach event, then Wikimania should happen in part of the world where we have the smallest penetration (basicly it takes EU and NA out). 

It somewhat is all of the above, what should be the most important one? And we can say all of them are equally important, but than we must have an event that scales to do everything at the same level.