Dear Elgun,

I checked your record in registration, your accommodation application received.
What invitation letter you need?

Best Regards,
Calvin W.F. Siu
Online System Coordinator, Wikimanin 2013 Hong Kong Organization Team

2013/7/3 <>

Dear Calvin,

Thank you for quick response and immediate solution of the problem. My registration confirmed.

But what about invitation letter and accommodation? Every time when I try to register for dorm accommodations I receive an e-mail saying that application for accommodation received. And that's it.


Elgun Ataliyev.

2013/7/2 Calvin W.F. Siu <>
Dear Elgun,
This system cannot update the received payment automatically. We need to receive the email from paypal, and then change the received cost manually in the system.
After you pay the registration fee, the system cannot update immediately and your problem shown.

Dear Simon or other members who can receive paypal email,
Please help me to check Elgun's payment received or not.

Best Regards,
Calvin W.F. Siu
Online System Coordinator, Wikimanin 2013 Hong Kong Organization Team

2013/7/2 Ellie Young <>
Please help this fellow and copy me?  I am curious to know what the problem is with the system



Begin forwarded message:

From: "" <>
Date: July 1, 2013, 7:32:21 AM GMT+01:00
Subject: [Wikimania-l] Problem with registration fee
Reply-To: "Wikimania general list \(open subscription\)" <>

Hi guys.

I have paid registration fee few days ago. on the registration page it asked me to pay 58 US dollars instead of 79, maybe because I was registered few months ago but has not paid fee at the time.

But problem is that after the successful payment process in the registration website it says that I have not paid fee. But it appears in my credit card account.

Here are screen shots of receipt for payment from PayPal and Registration Form where it wants me to pay again.

Can someone check it and solve the problem? Because time is limited to apply for visa.

Thank you for attention.

Elgun Ataliyev.
Wikimania-l mailing list