
Two things (just from the top of my head, probably there are many others, and also views may differ) that I have to say stand out, as compared to previous WIkimanias, are (a) welcome package (a creative T-shirt and a really nice backpack) and (b) food (not fair, I know - but it is still great that we can try local food, and also everything seems to be working quite seamlessly, without long lines). I definitely would like to commend the organizers for that, as it is not easy to arrange. 



On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 8:23 AM, Chris Keating <chriskeatingwiki@gmail.com> wrote:

Good idea Nemo!

(Generally this Wikimania is organised very well, in my view :) )

On 19 Jul 2015 03:11, "Federico Leva (Nemo)" <nemowiki@gmail.com> wrote:
Chris Keating, 19/07/2015 06:04:
To add to Asaf ' s list of "don'ts" can I suggest for future Wikimanias:

Thanks! I've created the https://wikimania2015.wikimedia.org/wiki/Feedback page, please everyone add to it.
Can a sysop include it in the sidebar (and later in the sitenotice)? Thanks.


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Wyszła pierwsza na świecie etnografia Wikipedii "Common Knowledge? An Ethnography of Wikipedia" (2014, Stanford University Press) mojego autorstwa http://www.sup.org/book.cgi?id=24010
