Neither do I, but we, as a community and as a movement, strive for "openness", which means (except when private information is involved) not holding discussions in camera.

Personally, I think it's nice to have something to make an effort for, and I'm sure I can find room for a shirt, a tie, and a smart pair of trousers in my bag. No event will ever suit everybody, and there will always be a few - no matter what the event - who don't consider it to be their cup of tea.  However, I also think it's important that the "internals" remember that the outsiders make up the overwhelming majority of Wikimania attendees and Wikimedians.

(Apologies if I'm being an arse, but holding discussions that should be public on private mailing lists is a pet peeve of mine)  
Harry Mitchell
Phone: 024 7698 0977
Skype: harry_j_mitchell

From: Steven Walling <>
To: Wikimania general list (open subscription) <>
Sent: Saturday, 23 June 2012, 18:51
Subject: Re: [Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2012 Google Opening Reception at the Library of Congress

On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 6:21 AM, Thomas Dalton <> wrote:
Yes, I expect it was an honest mistake from the first person to reply,
and then everyone else was just replying to each other. I didn't
realise I was sending emails to internal-l, I thought we were on
Wikimania-l (that's the tag in the subject line).

I was the first person to reply, and it was not a mistake. I replied to the original announcement on Internal-l because I didn't want to start a publicly-archived thread second guessing them and criticizing them. People tend to take negative feedback better when not performed in a public forum where everyone and their mother will pile on. It gave Nicholas the chance to reply before sending a public announcement, and he did so quite professionally. I don't personally consider the matter one that requires a big public debate.


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