Hi Nkansah,

In the past years I have heard people making such claims either way: Google+ will rule the world, and it will come to nothing. But in the end that is not what matters - what matters is that this is a volunteer run effort, and that this kind of social media outreach will only happen if the volunteers involved are enthusiast about it. Clearly, the organizers of Wikimania have different priority on it - and I think it is good if you and John want to spend some time to run this social media outlet :) Just don't hold it against others. 


2013/1/26 Nkansah Rexford <nkansahrexford@gmail.com>

As reports the G.I.W., "Google grows to become 2nd largest social platform globally." - http://goo.gl/tNWEm

"Google+, who despite being branded a failure or ghost town by large portions of the media, grew in terms of active usage by 27% to 343m users to become the number 2 social platform. Interestingly for Google,"

Trust me, in 1 more year time, Google+ will be the world's number one most used social media platform platform. The earlier Wikimania jumps onto g+ faithfully and continually, the better. Practically, i hardly see a future in twitter, even facebook is better.

Just a note for those underestimating g+


On Wednesday, January 23, 2013, Nkansah Rexford wrote:
That's fine @John.

In case you'll wish to have others help you manage the page, i'll be willing to help.

but for now, you're the defacto :)

On Wednesday, January 23, 2013, John Vandenberg wrote:
On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Tisza Gergő <gtisza@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 10:51 PM, Nkansah Rexford <nkansahrexford@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I wish to learn about how much (in $) it cost the managers of Wikimedia
>> Foundation and Wikipedia page on Google+ submit a single post.
>> The instance of time and resources chipped into the act of having a page
>> on Google+, i think doesn't hold. How long will it cost the one posting onto
>> the fb and twitter platforms (in terms of time and energy) to copy, paste
>> and share that same post on Google+?
>> I kind of feel surprised at how time and resources are raised as if its
>> gonna cost WMF 10s of 1000s of dollars to implement that.
>> @James Wikimania DC had no presence on G+. At least, i think Wikimania HK
>> can break that record!
>> The idea of api limitations etc, well, fine! how does that prevent
>> cross-platform posting? There are so many handy and easy-to-use tools
>> available to facilitate that, irrespective of Google not having one
>> themselves. In fact, if there's the will, there's a way
>> I guess, i kind of sense a bit of personal preference in these platforms
>> selection other than seeing them as they should be seen. Critically looking,
>> I can also say that cross posting onto twitter from fb is not necessary
>> since all (if not almost) the users on twitter who follow Wikimania are on
>> fb.
>> i hope this issue is seen as it should, other than concentrating on
>> google's api's, and other factors, that to me, are baseless.
> Nkansah, if you volunteer to maintain a G+ page for Wikimania HK, or set up
> replication from Facebook, I'm sure the organizers will accept gratefully :)

I am defacto doing that until they tell me not to / or take it over. ;-)

John Vandenberg

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