On Aug 1, 2015, at 12:52 AM, Jane Darnell <jane023@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks for your input, and I hope you are eventually able to work your idea into a proposal. I see that my original mail (which included the link you request) didn't make it to the list. You can still see it here in the archives from July as the last mail in the list under "Thread".

I don't know why it was blocked so I won't link it here but if you scroll to the bottom of this mail and click there and then click through to archives you will get there.
Maybe it's because I included too many links - I sometimes wonder about these lists!


On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 9:38 AM, Mina Theofilatou <theoth@otenet.gr> wrote:
Hi all and happy August:)

I've been watching this discussion on Wikimania Scholarships, and I'm happy that Ellie joined in the discussion: I think her reply was the most valuable and well-referenced in the thread.

Being a first-time Wikimania scholarship participant - I was offered a partial scholarship in 2011 but had to decline NOT because I wasn't satisfied with the terms, but for serious personal reasons - I would like to add a few comments to the discussion.

1) The Wikimania experience not only met my expecations, it exceeded them. It was amazing to live the energy, the enthusiasm of the Wikimedia community "live" for the first time instead of online. Finally meeting the faces behind the usernames I had interacted with for years was magical. And words cannot describe how I loved the place - Mexico City - all the new Mexican and international friends I made both inside and outside the wiki commuity, people I feel as if I've known for years... memories and acquantances that will be treasured for life:)

2) That said, I have to agree with all those supporting newcomers to Wikimania: this experience has added a new dimension to my relation with the community, and even if I never attend another Wikimania, its impact will last forever. So yes, I would be willing to "sacrifice" my chance at another scholarship if I knew that in 2016 another equally eligible and enthusiastic Wikimedian would have the opportunity to gain the Wikimania experience like I did at Wikimania 2015.

3) New participants want to soak in as much Wikimania as they can: they attend more sessions, interact with more people, attend all the receptions and parties (which means MORE interaction, more acquaintances, more prospects for collaboration on exciting transnational projects) and do not have the attitude "been there, done that" that I discerned in a couple of repeat scholarship recipients.

4) I agree that this doesn't mean repeat applications should be discouraged: just that their applications should be STRINGENTLY reviewed. For example: for me the most important session was IdeaLab, during which the two wonderful ladies holding the session helped me shape an idea that was going around in my mind for months into a proposal, which I will hopefully develop into a grant. That was absolutely amazing and it wouldn't have been possible if I weren't there. IF however I fail to develop the proposal further, I see no reason why I should be entitled to eligibility for a scholarship next year.

5) Finally, I would like someone to please provide a quick link to the Scholarship online report section for 2015, as I am eager to write about my experience.. I don't recall having received an e-mail pointing to the wiki for this (I've only submitted the general attendee survey).

Mina,  I will be sending this out in an email next week to all the 2015 scholarship recipients.  

Thanks to Wikimania 2015 for an amazing experience, best wishes from Kefalonia, Greece:)

Mina (User:Saintfevrier)
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