I think the market across the street in the park should have them for 100 pesos.

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On Jul 19, 2015, at 2:55 PM, Roan Kattouw <roan.kattouw@gmail.com> wrote:

There were a lot of stands selling masks outside of Arena México (20 minute walk from the Hilton) when we were there on Friday, but I suppose they might only be there when there's a lucha libre event at the arena.

On Jul 19, 2015 14:46, "Takashi OTA" <supertakot+wikimania@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

Quick question: does anyone know where I can get a Lucha Libre mask?
I visited the night market in front of the Hilton, but failed to find one.
Neither does the gift shop in Hilton.

Thanks in advance,


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