When are the wikibus folks expected to arrive  in DC?

Best regards,
On Sunday, July 8, 2012, James Alexander <jalexander@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Greyhound and Peter (who has the tickets) have asked us to arrive at gate 64 no later then 9am. There is no doubt It's been confusing (we are a giant bunch of cats that are tough to herd ;) ) but I think that this is the final word. Peter set out an email with final schedule and instructions a short while ago to the WTM list. If you aren't on it and want it feel free to shoot me an email off list and I'll forward. (Lodewijk I know you aren't so I'll forward after this)
> See all of the wikibus people tomorrow and everyone else over the corse of te week!
> Sent from my iPhone
> James Alexander
> Manager - Merchandise
> Wikimedia Foundation
> +1 415-839-6885 x6716
> On Jul 8, 2012, at 10:34 PM, Lodewijk <lodewijk@effeietsanders.org> wrote:
> The official (well, official?) email I got from Richard clearly states 09:30. I've heard different rumours now about other times, which is rather confusing. 
> Lodewijk
> 2012/7/8 Joseph Fox <josephfoxwiki@gmail.com>
>> We're expected there for 9am, and it can't hurt to grab brekkie first, I suppose.
>> Joe
>> On 8 Jul 2012, at 22:29, Lodewijk wrote:
>> would be quite early, considering the bus won't leave before 09:30? Anyway, being early didn't hurt anyone I guess...
>> 2012/7/8 Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton@gmail.com>
>>> Sorry to keep sending NYC specific emails to the general wikimania list. We all go to DC tomorrow, so there won't be many more!
>>> If you are staying at the HI hostel in NYC and are taking the wikibus, meet in the hostel lobby at 8:15. Please don't be late, or you will get us all in trouble!
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