White female speaking: this is an important discussion for EVERYONE. I will refrain from replying often as I was upset by the incident in CT, and I have personal experience of an incident at Wikimania 2016, and thus I find it hard to not get carried away. So I will reiterate that TRANSPARENCY is what we need. 

(And in reply to WMF input to this thread: just because the Trust & Safety team bears the name does not mean that they unconditionally deserve our trust, nor that our safety is safeguarded. Names and titles abound in society. If content adhered to name there would be no need for dispute and conflict)

On Mon, 30 Jul 2018, 10:53 Pine W, <wiki.pine@gmail.com> wrote:

I am going to try to say this politely.

1. How, exactly, are white males unqualified to discuss the Friendly Space Policy because of their/our identity as white males? And are you certain that everyone who has so far participated in this discussion is a white male?

2. A public discussion is already happening. Whether the discussion should happen in a different venue is certainly OK to ask, but I see no reason to attrempt to silence the discussion so long as it generally remains on a topic of public importance.

( https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Pine


From: Philip Kopetzky
Sent: 30 July 2018 09:01
To: Wikimania general list (open subscription)
Subject: Re: [Wikimania-l] Friendly Space Policy (was: Sad news)


Guys, can you please take any discussion among you white males to Wikimedia-l if you still feel the need to discuss this amongst you? You can't force a public debate, especially wheb Asaf and Lilli have already stated the obvious. 

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