So I think the question is: will the association be disbanded come the end of Wikimania? Or do members have to formally request to leave on June 27?


On Sunday, 27 March 2016, Federico Leva (Nemo) <> wrote:
Bohdan Melnychuk, 26/03/2016 22:06:
Erm, Italian law you mean? Unfortunately and unsurprisingly, I am
unfamiliar with it

So you will ask for a translation of the entire Italian legislation at the airport before passing the gate?

> I still don't think we've received a good answer to the question of
> whether this is a membership in perpetuity or it is a time-limited
> membership

Time-limited membership is forbidden by the law, IIRC. "Membership in perpetuity" also doesn't exist for any common definition of "perpetuity". One is member until
* the association is disbanded, or
* the member leaves, or
* the member qualifies for automatic reasons (e.g. death), or
* the member is expelled.


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