Dear Wikimaniacs.
Frst of all I would like to thank you for the discussion which has just taken place. 

Every human being is unique and thus has different requirements. For example, I am sure that it is extremely important for the contributors of an international movement to share their knowledge and experience with others. I think local conferences can't afford this. Some might not agree or have a different perspective.

But imho the discussion showed that of these approaches have their place and their advocates. Thats why I suggested a fixed "Contributors Area" in the conference programme - with the knowledge that it will be very comprehensive. But today, too, we have to decide, which events we wish to attend. 

Matthias Süßen      


Matthias Süßen 
Yorckstraße 115 
28201 Bremen   
t  0421 69 64 21 68 
c 0179 7 04 27 31  
