I don't find the jokes especially funny, but equally I don't disagree with the sentiment - there is exactly 0 people I know who use Google+ who don't use Facebook and only a small fraction of the hundreds I know on Facebook who also use Google+. At this point in history engaging on Google+ is as useful as engaging on MySpace or Diaspora or whatever the Facebook fork the BBC briefly hyped is called.

On 7 Jul 2014 14:17, "Joseph Fox" <josephfoxwiki@gmail.com> wrote:
Keep calm everyone, it’s only Google+.


On 7 July 2014 at 02:14:01 pm, Daniel Schwen (lists@schwen.de) wrote:

Hahahahahahahahaha, jokes about Google+ will NEVER get old. Wait, they actually have :-(. OK does anyone find the "Lol, Google+ is dumb, Facebook rulezors!!!" stuff still funny?

On Jul 7, 2014 4:41 AM, "Tom Morris" <tom@tommorris.org> wrote:
I agree wholeheartedly with the suggestion that more time is spent posting Wikimania-related content on Google+.
It is very important that we ensure that Google+’s diverse, international user base of Google employees are able to keep track of what is going on with Wikimania. ;-)
Tom Morris

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