Well, you need to care a valid ID with you all time, not necessarily your passport.

But then, I lived almost 3 years in Europe and the only times someone asked for my passport was in the airports to get in and out.  ;)
Béria Lima

Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a construir esse sonho.

On 10 July 2012 22:00, Alhen <alhen.wiki@gmail.com> wrote:
I guess you should have your passport with you at all times? Isn't that required?


alhen at wikipedia, wikihow, wikispaces, and most places.
Promotor de Wikimedia Bolivia

2012/7/10 Deror <deror_avi@yahoo.com>
The conference tours suffered from lack of organization from the beginning. The tours were poorly organized, badly publicized, not properly described etc.

I have signed up to the NARA conservation lab tour. The description of which included two meeting points - a block apart from each other (one on Pensilvania ave and one on constitution avenue) both of which were wrong - the group met elsewhere resulting in a delay trying to find the participants.

The tour description listed that a photo ID is required and an official one - government one. I thought a driving license (sufficient for driving in the US) with a photo ID suffices but no. After having passed security checks (checking bags and detectors as in airport) And having to wait a bit longer, I was informed that only a passport is acceptable, and denied entrance to the tour, thus waiting a full hour and a half (traveling and waiting) due to the fact that the tour organizer is clueless.

I am not blaming the security staff there- they have their regulations, and need to follow them. But how hard would it be for the organizers to do simple basic homework and ask what is required for a foreign tourist to enter.

And I was not the only wikipedian disallowed from entering, Osama was also kept out.

My recommendation to you all - if this tour is any indication - do not bother to go on any other tours.


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