Hi Simon,

Of course, your input is always welcome but per Aphaia and others, you shouldnt have gone ahead on your own and contacted people.

However I think you feel we have no progress on this front so I will fill you (and everyone) in:

There is a program committee in action that has resulted from a couple of calls for participation here on the list from people who responded, attended meetings at the time and created accounts on the Pentabarf organizing software, this committe is not private and you are welcome to join anytime if you are interested (I can add you to the mail list).  Uptill now we held a rotating weekly meeting every weekend that resulted first in the CfP and second in a list of over 25 local (middle-east) and global speakers to be invited, that list is kept on the team wiki because most of it is unconfirmed yet, however most of that list has been assigned a point of contact, which is a person who will initiate contact with that specific organization/person. We are currently debating things like the formal invitation process, invitation budget and costs, scope of interest in  subjects, etc. So you see it is not very good for someone to bypass that and send a localized invite. We need to maintain a consistent image for Wikimania and Wikimedia.

That said, as I mentioned before you are welcome to join and jump in on the subjects debated and lend a hand if you want...

On Feb 5, 2008 8:15 PM, Aphaia <aphaia@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Simon

On Feb 6, 2008 10:50 AM, simonpedia <simon@cols.com.au> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Sorry to wake yu up.
>   Cary wrote, ".I am copying Mr. Berners-Lee to ask him to kindly please
> disregard your
> Email". Sorry, if I'd known you didn't want him to talk, I wouldn't have
> asked him.

I am afraid you missed the point.
You are not in charge to send an invitation to anyone. You are not the
person who is expected to act on the Wikimania Organizing Committee
without consulting its member.

It doesn't matter who we are going to invite. You are not just the
person to contact them. At least then and now. And I am quite sure you
won't be either.


> Pheobe wrote, "There's a page to brainstorm ideas here:
> http://wikimania2008.wikimedia.org/wiki/Program_ideas"
> Sorry. The only ideas for sessions I see here are mine, from December.
> Samuel wrote, "ps - Please note : he may show up incognito even when he
> declines to speak".
> Sorry, He might, Now he knows there's something going on.
> You'll really have to forgive me. If yu are having conversations, which I
> (or anyone else can't see) I won't know about them of course. So you'll
> understand that activity needs to be seen to be understood. I'm just used to
> a culture where conversations happen above the radar. If you understand that
> I'm used to producing (primarily the AV stuff for) conferences for 8,000 min
> this is so very late in the day. And I'd really like to see the WMF's
> communities understand what, globally, is going on.
> Sorry, simon.
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