Hi all,

There's a workshop that I will be running on Friday 13th from 5-7pm, in Room 404 at the Wikimania venue. In this we myself and a few others will be teaching users basic dispute resolution techniques (and experienced Wikipedians are welcome to come along as well), along with a general discussion on dispute resolution, gathering ideas on how we can improve the dispute resolution processes on Wikipedia and sharing our experiences. 

This will be following up the presentation I will give as part of the Fellows Panel (details of that can be found at http://wikimania2012.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions/Wikimedia_Community_Fellows:_what_we%27re_researching,_piloting_and_doing_to_help_the_movement)

I'll be in town all this week - feel free to shoot me through any questions via email or pull me aside if you see me.

I hope to see lots of you there :-)

Steven Zhang
Community Fellow, Wikimedia Foundation

On 09/07/2012, at 5:26 PM, Sarah Manley <sarah@wikia-inc.com> wrote:

Hi All,

I am a Community Manager for Wikia and excited to announce that we will be hosting a Pizza Party Friday July 13th at 6pm to celebrate Wikimania. Please join us at Famous Luigi's after Friday's sessions for some pizza and drinks, to chat about wikis, community and what the future holds.

RSVP here!

Famous Luigi's Pizza is located within walking distance of both the conference location and the conference hotel. If you are among the first 100 attendees, you'll even get a free WIkia t-shirt.

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with me (or find me during the conference). We hope to see you there!


Sarah Manley
Community Manager
Wikimania-l mailing list