On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 8:22 AM, Gnangarra <gnangarra@gmail.com> wrote:
Is it a community event?
Is it a knowledge sharing event?
Is it an outreaching event?
Is it a way to reward people?

​The answer to these four are yes
  • ​Yes its a community event, one that brings people together and empowers them
  • Yes it where we share  the lessons of our successes and failures​

  • Yes reaches out to local region, especially GLAM for them to see what can be achieved, it also attracts a media profile and put the ED, Borad and others within reach of potential sponsors
  • Yes the scholarship process has an element of reward for participation in that it requires people to be sufficiently active to be considered

So, as with everything, Wikimania is going through a process where we (as à group) will define if it pushes our mission forward or not.

First, WMF staff working so we can have the discussion with all the cards in our hands. Which is not the case now.

Second, what is Wikimania purposes? Right now I fear there is none clearly define.

Is it a community event?
Is it a knowledge sharing event?
Is it an outreaching event?
Is it a way to reward people?
... because

One has to be define, a main one.

its a community event for contributing persons, imo. maybe its better to elaborate a little instead of just puting a +1 to what gnangarra wrote.

i was only at one wikimania in my lifetime, in israel, and met maybe 5 persons there. while recalling any of the talks given or decisions made in detail is difficult i am sure  it is well documented to look it up if needed. as time is precious i could make it, and having this yearly gives an opportunity more often.

i do consider the personal relations gained from the few real life meetings i attended at the core of all wikipedia work. wikimania is part of this ecosystem. the personal relations lasted. even more important, understanding others challenges, sucking in experiences even from remote parts of the world, and with it the feeling to be part of a global movement.

so yes, i see it as a community event. to put it harsh, maybe with a german cultural context: there is no point to be a subsidized travel agency to make the same people attend every year, as well as make persons attend who do not contribute.
