hi Jan, are you able to talk fluently in english?

If yes, then think about more than 70% of not native english speakers, which don´t. Even if they can follow a presentation or a panel. And you mean, they should be punished for that?


Am 05.04.2014 10:27, schrieb Jan Ainali:
My opinion is that submissions where the presenters are not willing to be video documented should need to have some strong reasons for it. If not, other submissions should be prioritized before theirs since it will reach a wider audience. I.e. there can be some valid reasons for not recording, but a no argument like "I do not feel like it" should automatically only be selected if the pool of the submissions that allow recording are too small.  

Jan Ainali

Bli medlem i Wikimedia Sverige: 100 kr till bankgiro 5822-9915 (skriv "Medlemsavgift, namn, adress och epost")


On April 5, 2014, Edward Saperia <ed@wikimanialondon.org> wrote:

Video documentation was opt-out, and said so on the submissions page: "If you object to these requirements (for instance, if you would prefer not to be filmed), please talk to a programme committee member before submitting a proposal."

I suppose this could have been make more explicit - the submissions page was largely inherited from last year, and I assumed that it would be clear that it's possible to opt-out. If this changes your mind about submitting, I don't mind if you submit late. (any objections to that?)

Edward Saperia
Chief Coordinator Wikimania London
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On 5 April 2014 09:25, Manuel Schneider <manuel.schneider@wikimedia.ch> wrote:
Actually I think video documentation always should be opt-out. In past years speakers had to give their explicit approval by signing a form, at least after their talk, so the material could be used and published. This includes the agreement to the CC-BY license etc.


Asaf Bartov <abartov@wikimedia.org> schrieb:

To Steffen's point, perhaps video documentation can be made opt-out?

2014-04-04 15:02 GMT-07:00 Nicole Ebber <nicole.ebber@wikimedia.de>:
On 4 April 2014 19:08, Manuel Schneider <manuel.schneider@wikimedia.ch> wrote:
> Someone from WMDE reading this who could have a look in the files
> (October 2011) to check the costs?
Yes! :) I can try and find out. Most probably not before Monday.

Nicole Ebber
Leiterin Internationales
Head of International Affairs
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Tel. +49 30 219158 26-0
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Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg
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