2007/3/2, Aphaia <aphaia@gmail.com>:
On 3/2/07, THD <theodoranian@gmail.com> wrote:
>  This is really a big cultural difference, and I think there's a need of
> clarification on why the system designer put "AD" here.

Thanks for your note, I think it reasonable. Since we Japanese have  a
similar problem between "Heisei" and so-called "Western calendar".
Edir wars around this issue occured, as well.

>  Therefore, the designer just wanted to make it clearer that "Don't fill in
> the number of  year of Republic of China,  but 19xx or 20xx". I don't think
> there was any intention to cause a lift of debates.

Reasonable solution.
1) Can we leave it for Chinese version (and other language version
which need a similar remark) and  remove the remark from the lest?
2) Or pulldown menu beginning from 1900 can solve the problem also for
East-Asian people like us?


KIZU Naoko
  Wikiquote: http://wikiquote.org
  * habent enim emolumentum in labore suo *

I will discuss with Littlebtc this evening. We discussed a little last night, and we think a pull down menu would be a better solution.

Thanks for all the comments. We have collected them and we will modify the system as soon as possible.