On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 2:55 PM, Gnangarra <gnangarra@gmail.com> wrote:
I would be nice for the original schedule to have been followed or contact made, it would also have been nice to have been conatcted about the delay especially as a one of the people who followed the procedure in place and started a bid of 2017, was then told that wasnt being followed but that 2018 was a possability as such I passed that along to those who helped construct the bid these delays are both frustrating and making the people on the ground look unprofessional just get on with it....   

As for 14 december - 18 January time lkine well we know for many people that period is the worst time of year traditionally our lowest editting and participation rates occur over this holiday period, capped off with the Wikipedia 15 demands the chances of devoting significant time to this will be harder than trying to follow two consultations at once 

I understand your frustration with the delay, but again, spacing of consultations wasn't the only factor in the updated timeline - please see my last post. Given this, the alternative would be to not launch until later in January, which is an option I like even less. I'm actually pretty curious to see how much participation we'll get during that 4 week window. It is a longer window than we'd likely have gone with for a consultation at other times of year because we, too, wondered what impact the seasonality will have. Participation is something we monitor closely in consultations and we've got a few other baselines to compare this one with, so I expect we'll be able to test your assumption and course-correct if needed based on the information at hand. Thanks for flagging this particular concern, we'll be keeping an eye on it as well.

On 5 December 2015 at 02:28, Austin Hair <adhair@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 8:33 PM, Risker <risker.wp@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3 December 2015 at 14:21, Austin Hair <adhair@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 5:11 PM, Ellie Young <eyoung@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> > A lot of work has gone into preparing for  the consultation.    It will
>> > be going out December 14.  We are looking forward to getting everyone's
>> > feedback in the weeks after and into early January.
>> Is there a particular reason it's being delayed until the 14th?
> Perhaps because that would be close to the end of the Harassment
> consultation, which is also being managed by other sections of the Community
> Engagement department? And also after the Community Tech Wishlist
> consultation?  I'm thrilled to see so many attempts to reach out to the
> community, but on the other hand if the community is asked to consult on too
> many things at once, it can have a limiting effect on participation.
> Running three major community consultations all at the same time could turn
> out to be counterproductive, especially at a time of year when so many
> community members are also deeply involved in activities within their
> personal life.

Okay, no need to get antagonistic.

An e-mail was cross-posted to two lists I manage (wikimedia-l and
wikimania-l) about a topic I have a long-standing (i.e., since 2004)
interest in. I was curious about the specific timing, as if it were
something that had to be managed on a 9-to-5 office schedule.

For my money, I don't think that the community is so mentally taxed
(or, for that matter, so closely intermingled) that they need a break
between talking about technical issues and our international
conference. (And, for that matter, that this issue isn't being
"managed" the other way around.) But if this is the official
justification, so be it—that's all I asked.


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