Hi Austin, tomorrow I travel to Gdansk, and not receive any confirmation for the accomodation.
Can you help me? Or look you at the Polish Baltic when I arrive?.


Iván Martínez

2010/7/4 Austin Hair <austin@wikimedia.org>
Many of you will be leaving in the next day or two, and have (quite
reasonably) asked about specifics regarding accommodation and

The accommodation e-mails are going out as soon as the room
assignments are made, but that isn't moving forward as quickly as we'd
hoped.  We have rooms for all of you—we just don't know exactly which
building you're in, so some of the early arrivals are left hanging.

If you don't receive another e-mail before you leave, please check in
at the conference venue[1]:

Polish Baltic Philharmonic
Ołowianka 1, Gdańsk

If need be, I will be sitting on the front steps myself.  We'll direct
you to where you need to go and assist you with transportation.


[1] http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=pl&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=107971063678244962507.0004897251551500bba0b&z=12

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