
   Wikimania 2009 CPF required all submission to be freely licensed. The submission form had also a check box in which the author agreed to the license. We did not request formal consent for publishing the recorded videos but most (if not all) speakers were aware that their presentations were going to be published on Commons. The only speaker that requested special treatment was HaeB because on privacy concerns and we honored his request not recording his presentation.


2010/3/30 Daniel Kinzler <daniel@brightbyte.de>
Hi all

For live streaming and recordings, please think about licenses. The presenter
has to agree to put his/her talk under a free license. Sadly, most of the videos
from Buenos Aires we have on commons are technically copyright violations,
because the presenter's consent is missing.

I highly recommend to require all presenters to explicitly state the license of
papers, slides, and the presentation itself. For the Developers' Workshop I'm
organizing in April, I made this question part of the registration form. I
recommend to do the same for Wikimania.


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