If you apply for "group Shenzhen visa", you must follow a group lead by a travel agency certificated in China when you at Shenzhen, and cannot travel individually. In commons, the Chinese travel agency will help you to apply the visa. You can find travel agencies in Hong Kong.
However, if you want to travel individually, or a self-organized tour, you have to apply for the regular tourist visa for China.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Filip Maljković <dungodung@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi there,

I was wondering if the Hong Kong locals can give us some advice on traveling to Shenzhen after the conference this year, since it's so close to HK.

When I contacted the Chinese embassy in Serbia, they told me that I'd need a regular tourist visa for China (which is somewhat tedious to obtain) or, if I want to visit Shenzhen Special Economic Zone only, I can get a "group Shenzhen visa" (whatever that is).

However, About.com [1] says that for Shenzhen SEZ, one can just buy the visa at the border.

Can some of you tell me what the reality is and whether you are perhaps planning on organizing a tour after the conference (say, on Monday)?

[1] http://gohongkong.about.com/od/traveltochina/a/Shenzen_visa_main.htm


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