Hi all,

Apologies again for (unknowingly) sending a personal mail on-list. Please ignore this thread.

See you all in HK!


On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 11:20 PM, Netha Hussain <nethahussain@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Deryck,

  I am a WMF scholarship holder from India. On the online form, I mentioned my dates requiring accommodation as from 8th to 11th August 2013. Now, I have changed my travel plans, and I will be arriving a day earlier than previously anticipated, i.e on the 7th of August 2013. Can you please help me to change my accommodation booking so that I will be booked in for the dorm from 7th to 11th 2013? 

Thank you!


User: Netha Hussain
(Scholarship ID : 620)

On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Deryck Chan <deryckchan@gmail.com> wrote:

As of now we still have more rooms than people who have signed up for them. So everyone so far who has requested a dorm room and paid their conference registration (or is a scholarship recipient) will get a dorm room.

Caveat: the accommodation form has previously caused some confusion. The latest check out date from the dorms is 12 August, not 13 August.

On 17 Jul 2013 10:32, "Matthew Pintar" <matthew.pintar@gmail.com> wrote:
I registered for accommodations in the dorms over a month ago, but I have never received any confirmation about this. With less than three weeks until the start of the conference, would it be possible to let me know if I will have a place to stay in the dorms or not? The registration system only says that my registration has been received. Does this mean I have a place to stay?
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Netha Hussain
Student of Medicine and Surgery
Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode

Blogs : nethahussain.blogspot.com

Wikimania-l mailing list

Netha Hussain
Student of Medicine and Surgery
Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode

Blogs : nethahussain.blogspot.com