Nathan, I don't object at all to any wikiconference. I just miss the point of having North Americans present their projects away from the international crowd, to only their fellow-north americans. If there is something very particular that makes these talks unsuitable for people from other continents, I'd really like to understand that better. 

Like I said, I'm not aware of any such track or preconference in other countries, with a few exceptions where language played a major role (I think there was a Spanish track in both Buenos Aires and Mexico, and a Hebrew (education?) track in Haifa). Also in an Asian context I'd have a hard time imagining why you would make that so specific to that region - except if it is really tied to language. 


2016-07-06 19:33 GMT+02:00 Nathan <>:

On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 1:30 PM, Lodewijk <> wrote:
Still I wonder: what would be the kind of topics you'd like to schedule there that you would /not/ want non-North Americans to participate in? 


Lodewijk, would you object to an Asian or Indian Subcontinent Wikiconference that allowed people in similar geographic and cultural milieus to cooperate, share experiences and challenges and strengthen relationships? I doubt it, I'm not sure why a NA Wikiconference would be different.  

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