
About two weeks ago I released Miga, a Javascript application that enables the easy creation of data-based web apps: users just have to provide the data as one or more CSV files, and define the data schema and settings with a few other files, and the software takes care of the rest. You can see its website here:


The reason I mention it is that one of the demo apps I created for the software is an app that shows schedule information for Wikimania 2013:


It's based entirely on information from the Wikimania 2013 wiki, and holds data on talks, sessions and speakers.

This web app works offline, after it's initially downloaded to the computer or device. And it can even function as a mobile app of sorts - on both iOS and Android devices, you can save a shortcut to the URL as on icon on the screen, that can be opened in the same way as a mobile app. (On iOS the process is simpler - just select "Add to home screen" in the browser - while for Android it's a two-step process, of first creating a bookmark for that URL and then creating an icon for that bookmark from the screen itself.) I even created a special icon for the Wikimania 2013 app, so if you save it to the screen it really does look like a mobile app; I'd recommend you try it out, if you have an iOS or Android device - it's pretty neat.

The app doesn't work on the Firefox and IE browsers, due to those browsers' lack of support for the Web SQL Database protocol. Whether that's a big issue or not is a matter of opinion, I suppose.

In any case, I hope all of you find it an interesting resource.


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