Indeed, what Florence & everyone said -- this year's Wikimania was fantastic. There were several details that especially shone:
- the great swag; the book was my favorite part - the welcome dinner and all the nice information for arriving attendees - the tight moderation & room volunteer team, who kept everything cracking along on schedule; this team of folks deserves extra applause - simultaneous translation!!! - videos of all the talks!!!! - the great common areas - coffee all the time :)
I also heard lots of praise for the conference program, and for the city itself. I also know a lot of work got done, and hundreds of interesting conversations were had; I hope a lot of good results come out of this year's conference.
Most of the details I listed above are based on ideas that have come out of past wikimanias; so I'd encourage everyone to post their feedback (let's start for survey-feedback, as well as and if you're interested, please help out with the planning for next year and future conferences if you can.
Thanks again to an organized, dedicated and responsive team that spent the past 18 months working on this conference; your hard work definitely paid off.
-- phoebe
On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Florence wrote:
Nathan wrote:
I wasn't there, but I'll echo Erik, Ting and Jerry - from everything I've read, the organizers did a great job and really represented the Wikimedia community well. Thanks for your hard work and congratulations on a job well done.
After having been a member of the past 5 Wikimanias, I have to outline how nicely organized everything was. Indeed, the bar is raised very very high now for the future events. Great program, great people, great food, great parties. Even unexpectedly warm winter weather. Patricio, you were worried the first day about the two event location... that was no trouble whatsoever. Thank you as well for the videos and live streaming, and for the translation service.
Yeah, all of you guys did a great job !