Why it's no divided by continent?
- North-America (3) Cambridge, USA 2006, Washington, USA 2012, Mexico 2015
- South-America (1) Buenos Aires, Argentinia 2009
- Europe (4) Frankfurt, Germany 2005, Gdansk, Poland 2010, London, UK 2014, Esino Lario, Italia 2016
- Africa (1), Alexandria, Egypt
- Asia (3) Taipeh 2007, Haifa, Israel 2011, Hong Kong 2013
- Oceania (0)
There was a Wikimania four times in America and Europe, tree times in Asia - also we need Africa and particularry Oceania.

2015-10-04 22:03 GMT+02:00 James Forrester <jdforrester@gmail.com>:
On Sun, 4 Oct 2015 at 12:45 Lodewijk <lodewijk@effeietsanders.org> wrote:
Michal's comments reflect part of what I'm thinking - and I think the exact splits of the regions may require some further discussions. Given the notes I've seen elsewhere, I trust that this is a first draft of the exact outlines of the regions, and not necessarily definitive?

As has already been stated in this thread, yes. 
For example, I was also surprised to see your definition of 'North America' being US + Canada, and not to include Mexico. 


We explicitly a repeatedly used the term "Canada and United States" because "North America" includes Mexico, and we didn't think that was appropriate.

This is a discussion we seem to skip each year as a community - what do we expect exactly of Wikimania, what do we want to accomplish with it? What are its goals?

If you re-read our call for input, you might see that this is precisely the question asked:

We’ll also be asking in future for your thoughts about how to structure the programme of each Wikimania to make it as good as it can be for you, for others, and for our community overall.

Ensuring that as many Wikimedians can come to Wikimania each year is of little value if they event isn't as useful as it can be.


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