Due to some personal issues i coundnt came online to find the last date. As soon as I found that mail i have submitted my confirmation. Can you please consider 


On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 11:51 AM, Butch Bustria <bustrias@gmail.com> wrote:
My Fellow Wikimedians,

Thanks you very much for your kind interest in submitting program proposals. Program submissions officially closed at 29 March 2023 at 13:59 UTC.

We received 594 program submissions and we will remove the spam submissions accordingly. Program subcommittee may announce soon another round of submissions on poster sessions (depending on the result of the first batch of poster proposals) and details of the Hackathon in Wikimania 2023.

Please take opportunity to refine and edit your program submissions on Pretalx.com. The jurors will start screening your applications in April. Don't take risk of editing it within the month April as you don't know if your submission is already scored before your refinements/ edits.

Please check the program submissions wiki page and FAQ on what qualities we are looking for a program content in Wikimania 2023 and the next steps.

If you are interested on knowing the submitted program proposals, go to 

Kind regards,

Butch Bustria
Event lead, ESEAP Wikimania 2023 Core Organizing Team
Chair, Program Subcommittee

For direct inquiries, please contact us organizers on our group mail : wikimania@wikimedia.org. We discourage you to click "reply all" as this is a large mailing list.
Wikimania-l mailing list -- wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
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